Saturday, December 18, 2010

Step back VonTrapp family, there's a new act in town. Below is the program from Emiline's Christmas violin recital. In addition to our family performance she played The Happy Farmer.
Don't get too excited. The Henderson Family Quartet only knows one song. We played our one song then we ran for the hills of Switzerland. Actually, we drove around and saw some of our favorite Christmas lights.

If you don't live in OKC check out to see the kids' favorite house. Below are the lights at Chesapeake where they briefly jumped out for a chilly picture.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wii Wish You a Merry Christmas

If I think my children haven't been influenced by video games I am so wrong. This is how Reid wrote "On Christmas we celebrate Jesus' birth." Seriously.At least I can rest assured that he has now changed his person on the wii from looking like this:
to this:
Huge improvement. Thank goodness they mostly play old school video games like Galaga and Donkey Kong where everything is spelled gramaticaly correct. Reid can spell Space Invaders like nobody's business.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Today our dog and our elf met each other. What I am sure started as a friendly encounter led to Zipper being carried around in Bixby's mouth while the kids chased him yelling, "Bad dog." This is where he landed.

In an effort to maintain his elfish powers the kids decided it was best to pick him up with the tongs. Personally, I feel that if touching him takes away powers then being carried around in a dog's mouth will do him in for good.

Nevertheless, we are hopeful that his powers will be restored and that he will continue to spy on us from places out of the dog's reach.